Edgebrook Homestead


I don't believe therapy should be a practitioner in a chair while a client sits on a couch and talks about their problems. I am focused on coaching you to live your best life. I am looking to get off our seats and move.

I am unique in that along with being a Licensed Mental Health Therapist, I am also a Certified Personal Trainer through the Academy of Sports Medicine and have a heap of other licenses, certifications, and trainings that support the work I do. My office is a movement studio, when you walk in you will see punching bags, a squat rack, jump ropes and lots of space, all situated on a 2 acre working micro farm. If you have not had good success with therapy in the past or you feel it's just not for you. Try this movement based, emo-decolonizing approach to mental wellness. The goal should not just be to lessen suffering, but to increase happiness.

I am informed by a few different theoretical orientations, but mostly I am influenced by what I have seen not working over my 12 years working in this business. Generally I like to have my clients engage in mindfulness and positive psychology. I don't want us focusing on pathology and diagnosis.

I see myself like a trail guide. I know about backpacking and the wilderness, I have been up the mountain myself, but you know yourself, and you ultimately have to do the climb yourself. I can show you techniques, share information, ask you reflective questions to help you find the right path, but ultimately it's your journey. Come start your journey today.

In addition to being a Licensed Mental Health Clinician, I am a Certified Personal Trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine and a Licensed Massage Therapist. Like my therapy practice my coaching style is not like other's.  I embrace health at every size, I don't use complicated diet plans, and I try to not add to the misinformation surrouding diet and exercise. I have a trauma informed approach that is welcoming and supportive. Our goal is to get you moving, increase your ability to do, repair the relationship you have with food, and cure you of fatphobia. 

I have an "addition" focus to diet and exercises. For example if you want to eat healthier adding more fresh local produce to your diet is super good. Focusing on banning "junk food" is a recipe for failure. In the gym we focus on addition as well, adding more weight to your lifts, adding more time to your working, adding more to what you can do, instead of focusing on losing weight.  

When someone charges you for diet and exercise plans claiming they have some formula that is guaranteed to work, or they have a plan that works while all other's don't, don't fall for it. I don't have a specific plan, a patented diet or exercise regiment. I will gladly show you what to do for free. I am not here to sell secrets. Signing up for training with me is just like therapy. I am there to help and guide, but ultimately you will do the work. 

To make training affordable I offer a free consultation, sliding scale, and group training options. We will come up with a plan that works for you and I will commit to push you to be successful.