Edgebrook Homestead

Helpful Forms

The following forms are designed to help us work together more easily:

Oxford Happiness Questionnaire

A self assessment of happiness. The Oxford Happiness Questionnaire was developed by psychologists Michael Argyle and Peter Hills at Oxford University.


Basic mental health questionnaire PHQ9 Copyright © Pfizer Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduced with permission. PRIME-MD ® is a trademark of Pfizer Inc.


The health benefits of regular physical activity are clear; more people should engage in physical activity every day of the week. Participating in physical activity is very safe for MOST people. This Questionnaire will tell you whether it is necessary for you to seek further advice from your doctor OR qualified exercise professional before becoming more physically active.

SUBJECTIVE HAPPINESS SCALE (also known as General Happiness Scale)

Happy individuals liked the person they met, and recalled her in more favorable terms, more than did unhappy ones. The same pattern of results, albeit weaker, was found for liking of the videotaped target. Implications of our findings for the question of how happiness (or unhappiness) is maintained are discussed.

Informed Consent and Clients Rights

Basic form that needs to be signed before we begin working together. There is a full packet that is being developed. You will get that when we meet the first time (as soon as it is completed).

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